Hello I'm


Full Stack Developer

Computer Science Graduate and
A passionate coder from India.

About Me

Deepak Pradhan

Full-Stack Developer!

I am a Computer science graduate and a skilled developer proficient in C#, ASP .Net Core. Also have well knowladge on C, C++ I am equally comfortable working solo as well as in a group setting. So I am looking for continue this coding journey and developing my skill by collaborating with a tech team.

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Visual Design

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Visual Design

Check out 10 best Design's updates for the top web design & development compaines.

Visual Design

Check out 10 best Design's updates for the top web design & development compaines.

Visual Design

Check out 10 best Design's updates for the top web design & development compaines.

Visual Design

Check out 10 best Design's updates for the top web design & development compaines.

Contact Me!

If you have any project idea in your mind.

Feel Free to connect with me.
